Our mobile phones today host an infinite number of applications. Messaging platforms, social networks, apps to edit photos, to buy online in different stores, to check bank information or order food at home, among many other options. There is also no lack of video games on the home screens of our smartphones.

Whether you prefer action games, role-playing games, logic games, the popular Candy Crush… There are games for all tastes that keep us entertained, often with the option of competing with our contacts. But if there was a game that undoubtedly marked the nineties, it was Snake. Although it was originally launched in 1976, the truth is that it became popular with the rise of Nokia terminals, when a mobile was barely used for more than making phone calls and sending SMS.

There are many applications and web versions to rescue nostalgia and play to feed that snake that gets bigger as you advance and avoid the margins of the screen. But what you probably didn’t know is that you can even play Snake on Spotify. Yes, the app to listen to music and podcasts includes this hidden surprise that you probably haven’t heard of and that you won’t stop using once you know how to access it.

Raúl Ordóñez shares different videos on technology, marketing and digital culture on TikTok under the username @jaspeante. On this social network, more than 740,000 followers consume its content eager to discover tricks about the technology we use in our daily lives. Among them, we find the video that reveals how we can play Snake on Spotify.

First of all, you must have downloaded the Spotify app on your smartphone and have a registered user account. The next thing you will need is a playlist –either created by the app itself, by other users or by yourself– in which there are at least 12 songs.

Click on the play button of the list in question and access the three points that you will see below the name of the list, next to the option to download the list, give it a ‘like’ or share it with your contacts. Next, a menu of options will be displayed and you must scroll down to the last option: Eat this list.

When you select it, a peculiar version of the Snake game adapted to Spotify will open on your screen. Instead of eating martians, fruits or simple icons, the snake must chase the thumbnail of the cover of a song included in the playlist. Thus, this song will play in the background until you reach it, at which point it will move to the tail of the snake and another song will appear for the snake to devour.