It is no secret that, today, social networks can become a source of income. As an example, the rise of professions such as influencers, gamers and content creators in general on these platforms. In this regard, one of Elon Musk’s objectives is for ‘X’ –formerly Twitter– to become the reference application in terms of content monetization.

It was back earlier this year that Musk announced that he intended to turn Twitter into a moneymaking resource, sharing ad revenue from ads that appear in his threads with users. In recent days, there have been several content creators who have shared the income received by the social network this month, when X monetization began to be implemented.

However, to receive money from X it is not enough to obtain a viral thread or add thousands of followers, but you must meet three essential requirements to access the monetization program.

The first requirement for Elon Musk to monetize your account on his social network is that your profile be a verified organization or be subscribed to the X Premium program. This consists of paying a fee to enjoy the verification of your profile and gives you other advantages such as being able to edit your publications, having folders to save items and early access to new features of the platform.

The second requirement to be part of the Ads Revenue Sharing program (as they have named advertising monetization), is to accumulate at least five million impressions on your posts in the last three months. Finally, your account must have at least 500 followers.

Once these three points are met, you will go to the Ads Revenue Sharing program, through which you will receive money for the ads that appear in your X publications. However, the amount of income will depend on the amount of content you share and, therefore, , the number of ads associated with your threads. It also influences the number of followers, the impressions received in the posts and the number of queries from other users to your profile.

Each X profile now has a section where you can check your options to qualify for the Ads Revenue Sharing program. You must access the tab that opens when you click your profile photo in the upper left corner of the mobile application, or the three dots that appear in the left menu in the web version of X. There you will see the option ‘Monetization’ . If you click on this, you can manage your subscription or access a list containing the three criteria to belong to the advertising revenue program, where each box relative to the point you meet will be checked.