Platforms such as Instagram, Telegram and WhatsApp have us badly accustomed because they offer the possibility of knowing when a recipient has received and read a message that we have sent them. This allows us to closely track our communications, which often makes our lives easier and sometimes complicates it. As is the case of suffering from anxiety if they leave you ‘in sight’.

But, apart from this, there are times when knowing if someone has read a message is of great help to us. For example, if we are facing a personal emergency or if it is about work issues. For this reason, there are those who miss this possibility in a service like email.

Knowing if a worker, a boss, a client or a person of interest has read your message is important to optimize certain processes. And, fortunately, Gmail has two possibilities to receive a read notification for emails sent by the Google service.

If you have a Google Workspace account, that is, a professional or school-managed email address, you will be able to receive a read receipt by default. When you are composing an email in Gmail, before sending it, click on the three dots that you will see in the lower right corner. There a menu of options will be displayed and, among them, you will see ‘Request reading confirmation’.

After selecting this option, when the recipient opens your message you will receive an email letting you know. However, in some cases, the recipient of your email must approve the sending of that confirmation before you are notified.

If you don’t have a Google Workspace account, there is also an alternative. It involves downloading the ‘Mailtrack’ extension, which you will find in the Chrome extensions store. Once you have installed it, you will only have to link it to your Gmail address.

Thus, every time you write an email you will see the following message below: ‘Sender notified with ‘Mailtrack’. When you send your emails, a read confirmation will appear next to them when the recipient reads them. This can be disabled by simply clicking on the ‘Delete’ icon while writing an email.

It should be noted that ‘Mailtrack’ is a tool intended especially for sending promotions or marketing, in order to track the objectives of the campaign. Using it could cause Gmail to detect your emails as spam and send them to your senders’ spam box, so keep this in mind when using it.