Google opted to enter the market for devices more focused on health and well-being with Fitbit, the label from which smart watches with step counters and heart rate monitoring were born, among many other applications. Now it seems that the firm is working on a new model of bracelet focused on the little ones, on children, and under the name of “Project Once”, making reference to the popular character from Stranger Things.

In some images that have been disseminated through social networks, you can see what could be a preliminary model. The device has a square screen with rounded corners, something very typical of the brand, and a more childish aesthetic, which may remind older people of the first digital watches that had a lid with a cartoon face, most of which from Disney. In addition, it has a front camera.

The images spread by social networks show all the perspectives of this smart watch. Blue in color, it has two buttons on the right side, one red and one yellow. The screen is colored and shows the current battery percentage on the top left and the mobile data bars on the right. It also has a front camera. Thus, it is understood that you can perform functions similar to that of a video call in addition to capturing snapshots.

Although it is unknown if there will be other versions of this model of smart bracelet for children, it is speculated that it will be launched in 2024, although it could be brought forward to this year. The Google I/O developer conference will take place next May, and more details about this new device could be revealed at that same event.