Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk has stated that his company will launch an artificial intelligence platform dubbed TruthGPT. The objective of the project will be to compete against the alternatives developed by Microsoft (ChatGPT) and Google (Bard).

With his particular dialectical style and the clear objective of promoting his own release, Musk has been openly critical of OpenAI, accusing the company of “training AI to lie”. In addition, the businessman has ensured that this company is a “for-profit” company and “closely linked to Microsoft.

In addition, the mogul has also accused Google co-founder Larry Page of not taking AI security seriously. All this, before presenting his TruthGPT as the future. “I will release an AI that seeks the ultimate truth and tries to understand the nature of the universe,” Musk said in an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News.

To defend the security of the future TruthGPT service, Musk has argued that his AI would have “little chance of annihilating humans.” So far, neither OpenAI, nor Microsoft, nor Google have responded to the incendiary words of the wayward businessman.

As Reuters has explained, Musk has been recruiting different Google researchers for a few months with the aim of developing his own AI service. In this sense, the American businessman registered a month ago in the state of Nevada a new company called X.AI Corp.

Elon Musk’s announcement comes after the magnate himself requested, along with other technology entrepreneurs such as the CEO of Google and a group of expert researchers in the field, a six-month pause in the development of more complex systems of the recently launched GPT -4 from OpenAI alleging alleged risks caused to society.

In the same interview with Tucker Carlson in which he presented TruthGPT, Musk has once again warned of the risks of artificial intelligence. “AI is more dangerous than airplane design or poor production cars. It has the potential to destroy civilization”, he has pointed out. According to Musk himself, an artificial intelligence is capable of writing very well and thus manipulating public opinion.

Recall that in 2015, Musk co-founded OpenAI, but later in 2018 he left the company’s board of directors to focus on Tesla and SpaceX. “Tesla was competing for some of the same employees as OpenAI and disagreed with some of the things the team wanted to do,” he recounted on Twitter at the time.