If you are one of those who packs your suitcase during the summer to spend your vacation getting to know the culture of another country, in addition to packing clothes depending on the weather or the traditions of the place, you also have to take into account everything related to its electrical sector. In other words, how do you charge your mobile devices? What kind of plug do they have? If you want to avoid disappointment when it comes time to charge your smartphone’s battery, we advise you to check the voltage and plug adapter carefully before traveling to the country in question.

There are a total of 14 different plug types. Depending on the country in which we are, a type of plug with a different voltage is used. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), an organization that standardizes electrical and electronic fields, has established a list with the types of plugs that we can find in each part of the world as well as their respective voltages. Next, we show you the most used.

In addition to these types of plugs, there are more than a dozen with their own individuals. For this reason it is important that you make sure you have the adapter you need in the country you are going to travel to.