The first buyers of the Vision Pro, Apple’s extended reality viewer, will put on this device on February 2. The apple company has announced that it will begin accepting pre-orders for the device, which starts at a price, without taxes, of $3,500. Apple CEO Tim Cook has noted that “the era of spatial computing has begun.”

Vision Pro is a device that allows screens with different applications to be placed at any point in space in the user’s environment. The selection of any option is done with a glance and the activation of what is selected, simply by joining two fingers. “Apple Vision Pro – added Cook – is the most advanced consumer electronics device ever created. Its revolutionary and magical user interface will redefine how we connect, create and explore.”

According to Apple’s statement to the press in the United States, the first country in which the new device will go on sale, the new VisiĆ³n Pro specific application store will have more than one million compatible iOS and iPadOS apps, in addition to others that offer an experience designed for the viewer. The company points out that users will be able to access games from the App Store, including the 250 from the Apple Arcade subscription service.

Among Vision Pro’s own software, Apple’s “space computer” will have a FaceTime video calling system adapted to the new format. The company explained that “FaceTime on Apple Vision Pro takes advantage of the space around you to make everyone on a call appear life-size, while Spatial Audio makes it sound as if each person’s voice is coming from their location.” file”.

To sell the device in stores, Apple has trained specialized personnel, since its use may require eye adaptation. If a person wears glasses, they will need to have their lenses measured in a machine to determine which ones will attach to the Vision Pro magnetically. Prescription lenses will cost $149 and standard fatigue lenses will cost $99.

Apple revealed the Vision Pro during its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) last June. The viewer has separate screens with resolution greater than 4K for each eye. The device has a double chip, an M2 and the new R1 chip, dedicated to processing data from the numerous integrated sensors, cameras and microphones.