Apple has added a new feature in iMessages. It allows people to edit and undo messages they have sent. This new feature was revealed at Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference, Monday. It allows users to edit or undo texts they have sent.

Craig Federighi, Senior Vice President of Software Engineering, stated that “Hundreds of Millions of People rely on messaging every day.” He also said that Apple is adding three highly requested features to messages.

“First, have ever you sent a message only to realize that you didn’t say what you meant?” He said. You can now edit the message you have just sent, so don’t worry. You can now forget about embarrassing typos.

The second feature, he said, is the ability to reverse a sent message. The third feature is the ability to mark threads unread so that if you have read them and wish to return to them later, they will appear as though you hadn’t read them.

These are just a few of the many new features Apple revealed at its annual conference. Federighi stated that the iPhone’s “biggest update” will enable users to add widgets (like on the Apple Watch) and change fonts and color.

Federighi stated that privacy settings have been updated to protect users’ privacy. Federighi said that one way to do this is by introducing a new tool to allow users to quickly disable others’ access. This includes disabling location sharing if they are trying escape abusive relationships.

Safety Check, an Apple tool that was developed in collaboration with domestic violence organizations, allows users the ability to log out and reset settings if they have shared passwords or information with another person. Senior manager of privacy software Katie Skinner said Apple received positive feedback, including from National Center for Victims of Crime.

Apple Watch updates, including an update for its workout app, were also announced. It also announced that it will redesign the MacBook Air and update apps such as the calendar.