Last August, a Chinese video game company, NetDragon, appointed a “virtual humanoid robot with artificial intelligence” as CEO of its subsidiary Fujian NetDragon Websoft. And the result has been promising. According to Google Finance, the company’s value has increased by 10% in the last six months.

At the time of announcing the ‘hiring’ of this artificial intelligence, which responds to the name of Tang Yu, as CEO, NetDragon assured that the bot would increase efficiency in decision-making and risk management, as well as help ” ensure a fair and efficient workplace for all employees”.

The results have not been delayed. According to Inside, in just over eight months in office, Tang Yu has managed to increase Fujian NetDragon Websoft’s value to more than 9 billion Hong Kong dollars (1.1 billion US dollars).

The great results of Fujian NetDragon Websoft have opened a debate on the suitability of leaving artificial intelligence at the helm of a company.

“We believe that artificial intelligence is the future of business management and our appointment of Tang Yu represents our commitment to truly embrace the use of AI to transform the way we operate our business,” said NetDragon President Dejian Liu. , in a press release.

After the success of the initiative, NetDragon plans to maintain and even expand this management model. “We will continue to expand our algorithms behind Tang Yu to build an open, interactive, and highly transparent management model as we gradually transform into a metaverse-based work community,” Liu added in the same text.

NetDragon, a video game company founded in 1999, has developed several successful products throughout its history such as ‘Eudemons Online’, ‘Heroes Evolved’ or ‘Conquer Online’.

While NetDragon is surely the first company to name an artificial intelligence CEO, Alibaba founder Jack Ma already predicted in 2017 that a robot would grace the cover of Time magazine as “the best CEO in 30 years.” Something that, only six years later, no longer seems crazy, but rather the opposite.