Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI). A technology that has already caused considerable changes in certain sectors, especially those related to creativity. With all the controversy and controversy that they have entailed. However, if concepts such as ethics, morality and intellectual property are left aside, another issue that should be carefully analyzed in relation to AI is cybersecurity.

Artificial intelligence is a computer system, based on complex algorithms and huge databases, whose function is to imitate and replicate certain human capacities of cognition, such as learning. This allows you to develop reasoning processes, which will translate into decision making.

Although it is now when it is gaining more relevance and popularity, the reality is that it is something that was already part of people’s day-to-day lives. Some of the clearest examples are virtual assistants, such as Siri, Alexa or Cortana. But also automatic translators, customer service chatbots or filters and recommendation systems, such as Netflix movies and series or products that could be interesting for the Amazon user. And they all carry certain security risks.

Specialists warn that artificial intelligence carries a series of risks for users who use it, especially when it comes to endangering people’s privacy.