Who does not spend a few minutes of their day to day checking social networks? We live immersed in the midst of a technological revolution and social platforms. Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and also Youtube. Each tool proposes a different type of content but that catches the user equally. Of course, the way of consuming audiovisual content has been completely transformed in recent times and the technological giants are looking for ways to get hold of the majority of users.

Without a doubt, in the last year the leader of social networks is Tik Tok. This is what the data reveals. Every month Tik Tok users spend 26 hours on the platform. The reasons are found in his videos of fast and addictive consumption. Possibly taking this data into account, it is logical that YouTube wants to get a piece of the cake and for this reason it has launched YouTube Shorts, a tool to create short vertical videos —just like in Tik Tok— only for use on smartphones. Although at first glance they may seem very similar social networks, there are some differences between YouTube Shorts and Tik Tok.

Both include the use of filters in their videos. Furthermore, when editing them, both Tik Tok and YouTube shorts allow the incorporation of texts or subtitles to draw the user’s attention. In both tools you can add music to create a soundtrack that makes your video more lively. Another similarity of both is the ability to edit content without having to leave the platforms.