The registration of the headquarters of the Spanish Football Federation in Las Rozas led the federative body to postpone the holding of the Management Commission scheduled for this Wednesday afternoon, which had as its central point on the agenda the call for elections for the presidency, a issue that is resulting in enormous technical and legal complexity.

The Management Commission is chaired by Pedro Rocha, who has led the Federation since the resignation of Luis Rubiales on September 10 due to the Jenni Hermoso case. Rocha was the economic vice president during the Luis Rubiales era and always saw herself as his dolphin. At this time, he is not being investigated.

Pedro Rocha resigned from his position as president of the Extremadura Federation last Monday, a position he had held since 2013, and everything indicates that yesterday he was going to dissolve the management company, call elections and present his candidacy for the presidency of Hispaniola. , an intention that has not been made public but that other territorial authorities took for granted.

When Rocha has been asked, he has always remained ambiguous and his job these months has been to distance the Federation as much as possible from the management of his predecessor.

Rocha’s resignation from the presidency of Extremeña was a necessary condition to be able to run for the presidency of the Spanish Federation.

The elections to the Spanish Federation are turning out to be an inexhaustible source of trouble. The electoral regulations sent in the first instance to the CSD by the manager were rectified after a negative report from the Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAD).

The final regulations establish two electoral processes: one to elect the president through the current general assembly and another to elect the new assembly and president for the 2024-2028 Olympic period, after the Euro Cup. Rocha’s intention is for the first election to be held throughout April, which is now unclear. In any case, it seems that there will be a president before the start of the Euro Cup, on June 14. So far the only ones who have made his candidacy official are two people outside the world of football, the journalist Carlos Herrera and the Catalan politician Eva Parera.