After yesterday Mundo Deportivo and El Periódico uncovered the alleged case of harassment that the Alhama CF soccer players are experiencing by their coach, Randri García, the Futpro union has published a statement condemning “any conduct that violates the elementary rights of soccer players”.

According to the statement, “after being aware that the coach of the Alhama Club de Fútbol women’s first team may have violated the most basic labor rights of the first team players, in recent weeks from FUTPRO various complaints before the Labor Inspectorate, RFEF and CSD, as well as other types of procedures”.

The union assures that at the moment they had proof and evidence of what happened, “these behaviors were brought to the attention of the club so that the protocol of the Collective Agreement is activated to guarantee the protection of the soccer players and provisionally remove the coach and immediate”.

The statement ends by remarking that “FUTPRO condemns any type of conduct that violates the rights of soccer players and from the union we will continue working to carry out the pertinent measures to protect soccer players from actions that we believe are unacceptable.”

According to published information, the Alhama coach would have been uttering sexist insults, disrespect and committing humiliating treatment of his footballers in recent times. The last episode, through which the facts would have come to light, is a photo of a sexual nature —to which El Periódico has had access— that García would have sent via WhatsApp to the entire locker room, including a minor player of age that is part of the staff.

In the statement published yesterday by Alhama himself, the club “denies the existence of any serious incident in relation to its players” and adds that they have not been notified to date of “any complaint of insults, harassment or any similar behavior.” However, they affirm that “the Alhama Club de Fútbol began an internal investigation into the facts”, something that is contradictory considering that in the same statement the club claims to have no proof of the facts.