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news 27082024 011533

Empowering Women in Chicago: Glitterus Comedy Show Shines Spotlight on Female Comics

In the world of stand-up comedy, the path to success is often paved with late nights at open mics honing one’s craft. However, for women in the industry, this journey can be fraught with unique challenges and obstacles. Female comedians like Georgia Moore and Grace Kilpatrick face a different landscape when it comes to navigating the comedy scene, particularly in Chicago.

Moore reflects on the intimidating environment of dingy bars filled with older men, where she often feels out of place and unsafe. The pressure to prove oneself as a hardworking and talented comic in such settings can be daunting, leading many women to avoid these spaces altogether. Kilpatrick highlights the need for women to quickly earn the audience’s respect, a task that can be more challenging due to ingrained biases and expectations.

For Gwen Rose, a trans comic in Chicago, the stakes are even higher as she not only has to navigate a male-dominated industry but also represent her community accurately amidst constant misrepresentation in mainstream media. The lack of diverse voices on comedy lineups further exacerbates the struggle for women and queer comics to find their place in the scene.

Recognizing these challenges, a group of female comedians – including Moore, Kilpatrick, Rose, and Sam Selby – came together to create Glitterus, a weekly comedy show dedicated to showcasing women and queer comics. The show aims to provide a platform where both performers and audiences feel represented and valued, challenging the notion that there is a scarcity of funny women in the industry.

Glitterus serves as a beacon of inclusivity and authenticity in a comedy landscape that often marginalizes diverse voices. By curating a space where comics can freely share their experiences and connect with audiences who are eager to embrace them, the show fosters a supportive and empowering environment for all involved.

Contrary to popular beliefs perpetuated by some comedians, the audience at Glitterus proves that humor knows no bounds when it comes to topics or styles. Moore emphasizes that the audience is open to a range of comedy, from dark and dirty humor to silly and weird jokes – as long as it’s funny. This acceptance and enthusiasm for diverse comedic voices create a dynamic and engaging atmosphere for both performers and audience members.

In addition to providing a platform for underrepresented voices, Glitterus is also reviving the tradition of independent comedy shows in unconventional venues. By collaborating with local restaurants and bars, the producers of Glitterus are redefining the comedy scene and creating unique spaces for comedy to thrive outside of traditional club settings.

Looking ahead, the producers of Glitterus are excited to expand their reach and impact by hosting a pop-up show at Dorothy, a lesbian bar in Ukrainian Village. This move reflects their commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, offering a larger platform for women and queer comics to showcase their talent and connect with diverse audiences.

Ultimately, Glitterus is not just a comedy show; it’s a movement towards greater representation, diversity, and equality in the comedy world. By challenging stereotypes, breaking down barriers, and creating space for marginalized voices to be heard, Glitterus is paving the way for a more inclusive and vibrant comedy scene in Chicago and beyond.