For the first time in the 36 years of the Women’s Water Polo Champions League, three teams from the same country are competing in the semi-finals of the top competition. Astralpool CN Sabadell, reigning champion, Assolim CN Mataró, current runner-up, and Sant Andreu, new to the tournament, have achieved this unprecedented milestone and aspire to lift the European scepter this weekend, with the permission of Olympiacos, in the Nova de l’Escullera swimming pool of CN Barcelona, ​​with capacity for 1,000 spectators.

“It is not a coincidence, it is a reflection that Catalan and Spanish water polo do the best work, achieving the best results in clubs and national teams,” Àngel Moliner, president of the water polo section of the European Swimming Federation, sums up. the European Aquatics.

As soon as they qualified for the final four, the three Catalan teams, the first three classified in the Honor Division League, CN Barcelona and the Catalan Federation, rushed to request the organization of the final phase in the Escullera. And the three protagonists dedicated themselves to sharpening their nails in the best moment of the season: the three teams arrive very evenly matched, with Sant Andreu as the surprising leader that has defeated its two rivals in the League, with Mataró in tune and Sabadell in his fetish tournament.

Favorites? Any. Although captains and coaches agree that CN Sabadell is one step ahead as current champion and having won 6 of the last 12 editions. In an exchange of impressions with La Vanguardia, the protagonists showed both respect and good vibes reflected in the image captured by Pau Venteo during the presentation of the final four at the CN Barcelona pool.

–I say that the favorite is Sabadell, I pass the ball to them. They have the experience of playing and winning finals; I don’t understand why they aren’t still fed up with winning so much – says Clara Cambray (27), captain of Mataró, ironically. They have a lot of level, but above all the experience of knowing how to manage the moments of the games.

Maica García (33), captain of Sabadell, picks up the glove.

–I won’t say Olympiacos, for me the favorite is a Catalan team. You have to trust. We have to put on a show and the title has to stay at home. I will say Sabadell, because I want another Champions League. The four teams are very evenly matched – comments the team’s starting buoy, which is pursuing its seventh Champions League. The captain was already in the team that won the first crown in 2011, achieved with Nani Guiu on the bench.

But both Sabadell and Mataró, close rivals in recent years, do not trust the ambitious Sant Andreu at all, which with impudence as its flag has burst into the League to blow up the duopoly of Vallesanas and Maresmenses.

–We don’t have any pressure. We can ring the bell. If we play as we know how and how we have played all season, I think we can make a mess of it and reach the final – María Palacio (21), the captain of Sant Andreu, does not hesitate to affirm, leaders without losing a single game (they only gave up a draw in Mataró, 8-8, resolved on penalties for Maresme).

It is this self-conscious audacity that makes Sant Andreu more dangerous, a very young group (19 years on average), successfully directed by Javi Aznar, who has brought together a happy, lethal, dizzying group.

–Sant Andreu is a baby boom. It is a total explosion of talent, of ambition. But within this baby boom, the paller’s partner is Martina Terré [the national team’s starting goalkeeper], who strengthens the defense, gives it solidity and launches the attack… Like when we had Jesús Rollán – expresses an always accurate Dani Ballart, coach of CN Mataró.

For the former international player, Mataró has gained “in experience and learning, everything that happened to us last year hurt us, we played very well and we only won one title. This year we are in a different mental sphere, we want to enjoy the moment” , commented the coach.

–Everything is working out for Sant Andreu, it is in a very positive dynamic, with overflowing enthusiasm. And Martina Terré is like Ashley Johnson [the US goalkeeper] – admits David Palma, coach of CN Sabadell, who does not trust his semi-final opponent, who already beat them in the League (13-10).

–But for us, the Champions League is a competition that we really like, it is special; We are the current champions, last year we had more pressure playing the final at home, and that frees us up a lot – Palma commented to this newspaper.

-We are not afraid. We cling to this unconsciousness of young people, to this positive dynamic that we live to go very far. We have a long team, a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of desire. I don’t have any magic wand, many things have come together: work, top players, ambition, enthusiasm, the challenge of shining to go to the national team… We started the year well, it has gone well for us, and we haven’t stopped –explains Javi Aznar with the same simplicity and naturalness as his team plays and wins.

The semifinals of the final four will be played this Saturday at the CN Barcelona pool: Sant Andreu-Sabadell (12:00), and Mataró-Olympiacos (14:00). The final, on Sunday (2:00 p.m.).