The weather may undergo a radical change this week. After an April marked by high temperatures, May will be characterized by rain and a concatenation of DANA, a meteorological phenomenon known as cold drops, in the coming weeks, according to the forecast made public this Monday by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

The Aemet has announced that the Iberian Peninsula will have showers and storms in the north. As for temperatures, today they will rise again exclusively in the southern half, although they will continue to be up to 10ºC lower than normal in the northern half, creating cold weather for this time of year.

Meteorologist J.J. González Alemán has addressed his Twitter account (@glezjuanje) to report on the weather forecast for the second half of May: “According to the monthly predictions, we could have the next three weeks with high storm activity in the Iberian Peninsula. Continued arrivals from DANA and troughs that would force these storms are expected,” he notes.

Rubén del Campo, Aemet meteorologist, foresees a significant contrast between the northern third and the southern third: while in cities like Oviedo or Pamplona temperatures will not exceed 14ºC or 15ºC, in Seville or Córdoba they will exceed 32ºC. As for rainfall, rains are expected in the north of Galicia, the Cantabrian communities, the Pyrenees, Catalonia and in a more dispersed way in points of the eastern peninsula.

Tomorrow the situation will be similar, counting on rainfall in the far north. According to the Aemet, several areas of the Peninsula will have between five and ten degrees less than their own values ​​for this time due to new cold air pockets that could take place these weeks.

Unfortunately, the rainy episodes will not put an end to the drought, “but it will help to overcome the monotony,” according to González Alemán on social networks. Likewise, he has issued an advisory: “Observing how the anomalies of the sea surface continue to be, we will see if any stormy situation in the next three weeks becomes extreme and of very high impact. There are ingredients for it.”