Instability continues in the middle of Easter with the arrival of Nelson, an extensive and deep storm named by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) that will leave strong gusts of wind in the coming days, in addition to precipitation in much of Spain.

This storm will induce a southwesterly flow over the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, which will transport a warmer air mass and the passage of successive Atlantic fronts that will leave cloudy skies and widespread rainfall.

The most affected areas, with the most persistent and intense rainfall, will be the Atlantic and Cantabrian slopes and the Pyrenees. On the contrary, in the Mediterranean area the probability and intensity of precipitation is much lower.

According to the agency’s forecast, this Wednesday a general rise in temperatures and increases in the snow level are expected, with snowfall being restricted to mountain areas in the northern half of the peninsula.

Nelson will bring a lot of wind over the next few days. This Wednesday it will blow from the southwest with very strong gusts in much of the Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. Also waves on the country’s coasts.

The Aemet has activated warnings for today in almost all of Spain (16 autonomous communities, Ceuta and Melilla), on a day in which gusts of up to 80 kilometers per hour (km/h) will be recorded in areas of Almería and the Valencian Community and 90km/h on the summits of Alcaraz and Segura (Albacete).

In addition, warnings for waves of five to seven meters (eight meters occasionally offshore in Pontevedra in the late afternoon) will be recorded in Almería, Cádiz, Granada, Huelva and Málaga.

The gusts will lose some strength tomorrow, which will be even less during the weekend, although the rains and instability will continue with the passage of successive Atlantic fronts that will give rise to practically widespread rainfall, with lower probability and intensity in the Mediterranean area.