The recent statement from the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) has set off alarm bells throughout Spain, and no wonder. The agency, in a clear and concise manner, warns that the coming days will bring unpredictable and unusual weather for several areas of the country.

This Saturday, the peninsula is divided into different areas. On the one hand, there is the northeast of the peninsula, which will experience a cloudy day with showers, while, on the other, the rest of the peninsula will enjoy slightly cloudy or clear skies. But it doesn’t stop there: as the day progresses, showers are expected in the northwest and southwest regions, and the bad weather will intensify towards the afternoon, affecting more areas of the northwest and inland.

As for temperatures, there are interesting data. While in the eastern Cantabrian Sea maximums of 35 degrees are expected, in other areas, such as the interior and the Mediterranean, thermometers will be around 30 degrees. In addition, there will be a slight drop in maximum temperatures in the western and central areas of the peninsula.

But the real focus of concern is located in the areas of the upper Ebro and Zaragoza Iberian. The AEMET has warned of storms with hail and strong winds in these areas, which undoubtedly forces those who reside or travel to these regions to take precautionary measures.

In parallel, the AEMET has indicated that next week will be characterized by more intense rains than usual, especially in the northern interior and east of the peninsula. This trend, according to experts, is not only atypical, but also worrying. And while temperatures are expected to remain in seasonal ranges or even somewhat cooler inland, the rest of the country will experience warmer than normal temperatures.

The regions that should prepare for the worst are the northwest of the peninsula, the Cantabrian Sea and the Pyrenees. These areas will receive abundant rainfall, according to current ECMWF prediction models. In fact, this rainy pattern is expected to persist until the end of September, making this month an especially wet period.