A formidable Atlantic low pressure system, as indicated by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), has been greatly influencing the climate in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. This climatic phenomenon has caused a considerable accumulation of cloudiness and a notable increase in precipitation, which has manifested itself almost universally in various regions of Spain.

Rubén del Campo, spokesperson for the agency, has summarized the current scenario with these words: “A typically autumnal storm has been generated in the Atlantic that has been leaving heavy rains since Friday. The outbreak of cold air prior to the storm has been contributing significant rainfall in a large sector of the peninsula.”

Despite the prominence of these rains, Del Campo has ruled out that we are facing a situation analogous to the DANA that we witnessed about two weeks ago and that left great destruction in some areas of Spain, although he has indicated that meteorological instability will be persistent for All weekend.

The Aemet has recently issued a statement on the conditions expected for the weekend: “For Saturday, a front approaches Galicia, bringing with it rainfall that will intensify, mainly affecting the western third. Particularly intense and constant rainfall is expected in areas from the northwest and west of the central system. There are also probabilities of showers with storms in the north of Aragón and Navarra, and in southeastern regions.”

For this Saturday, September 16, the areas most affected by the rains will be the western and central regions of the country. Cloudiness will be constant and precipitation in the west will be especially notable. In addition, storms are expected near the Catalan coast.

During Saturday morning, showers are expected to persist in the west and center, with cloudy intervals in other areas. In the afternoon, showers will continue in the west, accompanied by rain in the southeastern mountains. Temperatures experience a notable decrease in these areas, as well as in the east of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.