her gaze is worth a thousand words. Is the mirror a history of fear and suffering. The star has just over a year and a half, but has already lost all his trust in the human race. Mestizo currently housed in the kennel health Muratella, in Rome, on July 19, 2019 was rescued still a puppy in the area of Colli Aniene. Then, after just two days, he had found a home ready to welcome it. His seemed to be a story with a happy ending, but it was not to be. Thursday, 12 November, in fact, its owners if they are released riconsegnandola to the pound. The star is now a “Cpd”, abbreviation, which indicated the animals “ceded to get rid of them”. Impossible to know what has past in these sixteen months, but his attitude leaves no doubt: every time someone approaches her, she retracts, then barking frightened.

the Victim of obvious psychological traumas (and does not exclude physical), the Star will now be followed by a specialized professional. The section of the Ostia of the National League for the Defense of the Dog is, therefore, the research concerned the adoption that they are willing to accompany her in his path to re-education (those interested may contact the 333/2729049). “Let her go in these conditions would be a new error after the one committed by those who have been entrusted to the wrong family,” explains the Courier voluntary Rita Bignami –. For the moment we have contacted only older people, is not suited to its needs”. In this sense, the identikit of the perfect candidate would be a person without children that already have some experience with animals. In the meantime, we will try to better understand the problems of the dog: “Is phobic and at times aggressive – tells Bignami –. I have not even managed to caress her. It certainly has been so badly managed, because it is insecure and not socialized. Does not seem so grown up in the house, or rather in a space that is more narrow, perhaps in a cage. You feel it from some of the attitudes that he has.”

The accusation falls, therefore, on the bosses: “If you see that your dog is always terrified continues, the voluntary, and you should at least try to recover it, contact an expert. But that’s not the case. Having been adopted at two months, however, the Star of the problems are just in the phase imprinting, that is, the more delicate. Why are some behaviors I would expect more from a stray dog adult from a puppy raised in family. This means that there has been the clear hand of man, as they may be no natural resources to a greater or lesser sociability of each specimen. Now fingers crossed for her, and trusting in a better future”.