For the investiture agreement with the PSOE, Compromís will demand that “legality be complied with” and the suspension of the expansion of the Port of València be maintained “until all environmental and mobility guarantees are in place to avoid the collapse of the city.” . It will not be the Catalan nationalists and independentists who put the brakes on the expansion of infrastructure on the negotiating table, but it will be Compromís that demands it. As this newspaper already published, both Junts and ERC denied having this issue among their political priorities.

Yes, it is a red line, “as we have always defended,” for Compromís, who understand that the expansion would very negatively affect the city. For this reason, they will demand at the negotiation table to invest Pedro Sánchez that it not be expanded until there is a new Environmental Impact Statement

This was stated this Thursday by both the spokesperson for Compromís por València, Papi Robles, and the spokesperson for the Valencian coalition in Congress, Àgueda Micó, who have accused the PP of creating a smokescreen with this matter and of defending the speculative interests of some businessmen “perhaps to ensure the payment of the campaigns as they have done in the past” turning their backs on the citizens of Valencia who have mobilized against this expansion.

Micó has highlighted that “from Compromís we are not going to allow this government to consider this city lost now that the right governs. We Valencians want Valencia to continue advancing and improving and not a city at the service of urban predation, disinvestment or speculation.”

Papi Robles has gone further, asking about Mayor Catalá’s interests in promoting the expansion of the Port and recalling that “in all the large projects or large works carried out by the PP there has been a case of corruption.” “The big case of urban speculation that the city has right now is called Puerto and what the PP is doing is rolling out the red carpet for this speculation,” he said.

For the former Compromís trustee in Les Corts, “what we are talking about is whether we want a port with a city or a city with a port. We are talking about building a container cemetery or a highway for trucks, instead of a city in that we can live in and that the maritime neighborhoods do not have to be drowned by pollution. Robles believes that the “expansion will be the death blow of the beaches of València and Albufera and the main person responsible for this will be the mayor.”