The visit that Yolanda Díaz made to Carles Puigdemont on September 4 in Brussels was not carried out with public money, according to the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy through the Transparency Portal.

The acting second vice president met with the leader of Junts at the headquarters of the European Parliament to discuss the support of the pro-independence party for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

Jaume Asens, former deputy of En Comú Podem, was chosen to accompany Díaz, after becoming in charge of leading the negotiations with Junts.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy assures that “there is no record of any trip to Brussels on September 4, 2023 made by the second vice president of the Government of Spain”, and that therefore, “there is no expense file related to said trip “.

Regarding the result of the interview, both Díaz and Asens agreed on the “cordial” tone, and stated that it was “fruitful.” The leader of Sumar was “optimistic” about the possibility of “more meetings” according to them, necessary to “explore all democratic solutions to unblock the political conflict” resulting from the “procés” and the resulting criminal cases.