The mayoress of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, and the leader of the Sumar platform, Yolanda Díaz, have definitively joined their political destinies in a BComú pre-campaign event held at the Montjuïc Conference Center. In her speech, Díaz used the figure of the writer Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, who died 20 years ago, to affirm that “if he were alive, he would be here today, supporting Ada Colau so that she may once again be mayor of Barcelona”.

In a message almost 100% in the code of local elections in Barcelona, ​​the Minister of Labor, acclaimed at various times to the cry of “president, president”, has confronted the model of Colau and BComú, that of “useful politics” and that “improves the lives of citizens”, with the one on the right, which he identified with the Popular Party and, above all, with the mayor of Junts, Xavier Trias, whom he pointed out as the representative of the “austerity” and deregulation policies , privatizations, lobbies and the “past”.

Yolanda Díaz has insisted on the social nature of the commons model in Barcelona using some figures: the average of 235 euros per inhabitant of social spending in the Catalan capital, much higher than the 80 euros per person of the state average.

The leader of Sumar has highlighted various aspects of the policies promoted by Ada Colau in the last 8 years: the municipal dentist, the public energy company, the commitment to mental health, the creation of public housing and superblocks. “Fighting the superblock model – she said – is old, is to defend a predatory urbanism model against the habitable model, the one that defends people”.

In her speech, Yolanda Díaz has included criticism of the Catalan health situation and has pointed out her intention to promote an improvement in the working conditions of public employees to end precariousness, following the example of the latest labor reform.

In a show of unconditional support for Ada Colau, perhaps the best endorser of her new political project to the left of the PSOE, Yolanda Díaz has also highlighted the role of the mayoress of Barcelona as a person confronting the “powerful”, a fact that, according to she has made her worthy of a multitude of lawsuits during this municipal mandate about to expire.