You might have never bestowed a second thought.

But now, if you would, do you think that the method you are using to wipe you in the ass, is it right?

If you belong to the group of people who have had the question up to turn, but haven’t been able to find an appropriate forum to find the answer in, so there is now help on the way.

The american doctor, who is an expert in analkirurgi, Dr. Evan Goldstein, says according to Business Insider, one of the most widespread misconceptions about the cleaning of the rear entrance is located in the very concept. You should preferably not dry.

– No one is talking about how to go to the toilet properly, including how to clean themselves properly, he says.

the Skin around the often rengøringskrævende body orifice is very delicate. And even in a higher degree for women. Therefore, repeated move with a piece of dry toilet paper often for nicks. In the ass.

You should instead dab the pure. Optimally after you’ve washed you in the aftermath of a restroom.

And if you now sit and think about that you use the wipes, and therefore is not at risk, so Dr. Evan Goldstein even a good advice, as you may ought to follow.

For the moist napkins have the chin to eliminate a lot of the ‘good’ bacteria, which helps to maintain a healthy bottom-balance.

Wipes also removes all the good stuff. Them ought to no use, says Dr. Evan Goldstein.

He also says that he sees the most ass-injuries in the group of young adults. And they caused just as much unhealthy lifestyle.

– When you are a student you can eat are often not true, and you drink often too much alcohol. It can lead to constipation, which can really wreak havoc around your buttocks. When you try to push a shit out, so increases the pressure on your anus, and it can also lead to damage, says Dr. Evan Goldstein.

So the recipe should essentially be simple. Eat healthy, drink less and use plenty of water and soap.

And remember, of course, to dab. If you want to avoid snags in the ass.