Every time Ramón Tamames gives an interview, Santiago Abascal shaves his beard. In the last interview he gave to El Mundo, he stated that Spain is a nation of nations. And even that Mariano Rajoy had to study the proposal of the 23 fiscal measures presented to him by Artur Mas, which was far from the economic concert of the Basques. Earlier, in El País he stated things like, in his capacity as a candidate for the no-confidence motion, he would advocate for the fight against climate change, against Abascal’s denialist theses, that it would not make sense to send the ships of the ‘Armed to stop the shepherds, as Vox defends, or even that he is not in favor of outlawing secessionist parties, as proposed by the party that made him a candidate.

It is possible that Tamames is free verse in the Vox universe, but as such it does not rhyme with any of the postulates of the far-right party. The economist considers that the no-confidence motion is a unique opportunity to speak to 47.5 million Spaniards and wants to offer a critical view of the direction they have taken since Moncloa, “just as many others have done, among which they could Mention Felipe González and Alfonso Guerra”.

The feeling that one has about the motion of no confidence against Pedro Sánchez, which will take place between the 21st and the 22nd of this month in Congress, is that, when it is over, it may not even be supported by the party that proposed, because Tamames is neither an ultra-mountaineer, nor will he mix with mill wheels, beyond that he has taken advantage of the opportunity Vox has given him to expose his vision of Spain. In fact, he has made it very clear that he has never voted for Vox “and for the future, we’ll see”. So he doesn’t seem to have much confidence in those who have awarded it to him.

The program of Tamames for this country is not that it does not resemble that of Abascal, but that it enters into constant contradictions. But the day you wake up in the morning and you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror, either your face has been painted or the mirror has been painted. Or maybe he’s been abducted by aliens. What it could be: this motion of censure is an inexplicable hoax.