Japan should not allow it to flag with the japanese ‘rising sun’ flag during the OLYMPICS in Japan. The flag signals namely some very wrong values in relation to the olympic ones.

It believes the south Korean government, in a letter to IOC president Thomas Bach expresses ’deep disappointment and concern ” over japanese plans to use the special version of the flag with the rising sun at the stadiums and in other contexts during the OLYMPICS on home soil next summer.

It writes the british Press Association about the flag, which shows a central, red sun with 16 rays extending out from it.

Representatives of the south Korean OLYMPIC committee asked in the previous month the next year’s OLYMPIC organizer to ban the flag, but the organizing committee in Tokyo rejected the desire with regard to the use of the flag is widely used in Japan and not seen as a political signal.

The red sun with red rays on a white tablecloth is a return to the strong feelings in south Korea, which at the sight of it reminded of the japanese colonial rule on the Korean peninsula from 1910 to 1945.

south Korean protesters tear a hadeflaget in pieces in front of the japanese embassy in Seoul in July. Photo: REUTERS/Heo Ran/Ritzau Scanpix
In the letter to Bach, calling the south Korean authorities the flag for ’a distinctly political symbol, embraced by the japanese right-wing extremists’, which is the antagonistic opposite of the Korean and other foreign nationals.

It evokes the ’historical scars and pain for the people in south Korea, China and other asian countries that have experienced Japan’s aggression during wartime in the same way as the swastika reminds the europeans of the second world war nightmare’, says the on.

It should also be noted that the use of the japanese flag is in contradiction with the olympic values of peace in the world and humanity.

The national, japanese flag aired of gold Nana Takagi during the olympic winter games in south Korea, and it was completely okay. Photo: AP Photo/John Locher/Ritzau Scanpix
South korea’s government in regard to that also the international football association, FIFA, has chosen to ban the flag during international matches, among other things, during last summer’s WORLD cup finals, for the women in France.

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