Kristina Kristiansen and her boyfriend live in Valby, and since the players in the NFH half of the week the trainer in the Hafnia-Hall, may the Mullet actually wade from one place to another in almost no time.

– We have bought our own apartment, and it is lovely. It is located close to, so that I can reach morgentræningen here and train even afterwards, says the 30-year-old playmaker, who also has begun to dream about raising a family.

She and the partner, however, in advance the dog Sausage!

– You can always play handball, even if you have a girlfriend, a child or a dog, she says.

– Should you have any children?

– It must I at a time.

– you Must have them or your girlfriend?

– It must be my girlfriend. She must be the one who is pregnant.

– It is not something for you?

– Not just in the moment, at least, says Kristina Kristiansen.

She, the dog and the boyfriend get a rather special new year’s eve in years. Nykøbing Falster open 1. January at. 16 the second half of the base game.

– Yes, what just happened there? I don’t know either. We should have made something else, but now my gf, I and the Guys decided that we keep the new year’s eve at home. We have fun and make raclette, tells the Mullet.

– the Plan was not that we should drink, since the fight originally was 2. January. It is so cozy and I am in spite of everything happy, it is not 25., we need to play. It would go a little beyond christmas eve. So it is fine.

See also: the WORLD cup hero’s nightmare: It is quite hjernedødt!

See also: Center, EM poker: Three man play Buck