See also: Humiliated Neymar questioned: I went in the trap

Neymar has had some turbulent months with rumors about the change of clubs, serious injury, and also accuse of rape.

Now he is ready to play again, has been in Paris SG, and now he was not just acquitted of all charges of rape, but he can also see the woman behind the charges get in trouble.

the BBC writes, on Tuesday evening, that brazilian police have charged the brazilian fashion model Najila Trinidade Mendes de Souza, who accused Neymar of rape at a hotel in Paris, for the fake review.

She and her ex-husband is accused of lying to police and for the extortion attempt by the football star, is acquitted of all charges.

Intl. football – 31. aug. 2019 – at. 12:01 Big confusion: Fake photo going around the world

French football – 21. aug. 2019 – at. 07:53 Neymar in the love triangle

See also: football star offered role in porn film

Neymar has previously denied all allegations of rape and claimed that both he and the woman freely entered into the sexual act.

I share everything now, the whole conversation that I had with this woman, all our private things. It is necessary to show that nothing happened. It was a relationship between a man and a woman behind four walls. Something that happens for all couples.

There was nothing wrong the day after, and we continued to exchange messages, tells Neymar in the advertisement, which he has since pulled down.

– I will be accused of rape. It is very strong, but that’s how it is right now, and I am very surprised. It is hard, because all who know me know that I would never do such a thing.

It was a trap which I fell into, but it is a lesson for me in the future. There are people who will exploit and extort other people. This affects not only me but my whole family, said Neymar at the time, as the charges came to light.

Neymar met the woman on Instagram and had flown her to Paris in may, where they met the hotel.

According to Najila would Neymar have unprotected sex, which she declined. It made the star angry, and from there it developed tremendously, but not so violently, as the model claimed, and it gives her now a afpresningssag on the back of the neck.

See also: Model is emerging: the Prosecutor Neymar of rape

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