Volvo revoke: Cars can catch fire

There will in the future be more Volvo-owners who receive a letter from the auto brands on to their vehicle for repair.

This is the second part of a larger recall of vehicles, which has a manufacturing defect. This was stated by Volvo Car Denmark in an email response to Ekstra Bladet.

‘Volvo expects within a short time, to send out information to the Volvo customers in Denmark which is covered’, they write.

If not produktionsfejlen, which consists in a faulty valve is being fixed, the car can in the worst case, catch fire.

See also: Cars revoked: May break in the fire

In Sweden, both BMW’s and Volvo’s are revoked in the hundreds of thousands, reports Aftonbladet.

Extra the Magazine had earlier in the week for the BMW in Denmark, who could tell that it was approximately 280 cars in Denmark.

Volvo Car Denmark could not get into the details of how many cars it is in Denmark.

‘We can currently not say how many cars there are in Denmark will be revoked. In the course of this week we expect to receive the message from the head office about the number of affected cars.’

The pårørte car owners will receive notification through the Tax. In addition, the bug fixed quickly, so you do not need a replacement vehicle.

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