Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council wants to take advantage of the dispute over the America’s Cup preliminary regattas to project the city beyond the competition days, from September 14 to 17. Finally, expectations have been lowered and a maximum of 43,000 visitors are expected (initially there was talk of around 100,000 people).

It will be the first time in history that it will be possible to follow the contest of these tests from the coast. The regatta field will be located between 800 meters and 1 kilometer from the beaches. There are already more than 80 media accredited to cover the competition in Vilanova, which will be broadcast worldwide. In the city there will be several giant screens to follow the regattas at different points on the sea front of the capital of the Garraf region.

Speaking to La Vanguardia, the mayor of Vilanova, Juan Luis Ruiz, says that “it will be a great opportunity for the city, for us to be known and recognized internationally” and reveals that “the organizers themselves have been amazed by the city that we have”.

When the new government team got the municipal reins “there was nothing, and no one in the City Council to coordinate the America’s Cup”, according to Juan Luis Ruiz. After appointing Xavi Socías as coordinator, “all the information and previous commitments were collected”. Then, the City Council had to assume about 750,000 euros. Finally, after finding external sponsors who took over, for example, the shuttle buses, the sum was reduced to 250,000 euros.

The municipal coordinator states that “it is a project that we have never had in Vilanova i la Geltrú”. Socías adds that it means “playing the Champions League” and that “it opens a window to the world”. He adds that the slogan “I come for the America’s Cup and I return for Vilanova” has been invented.

There will be significant mobility restrictions on the entire seafront (from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.), similar to those of the fireworks display at the main festival, but five geolocated peripheral car parks have been planned, with a free shuttle bus service. The City Council has already asked to limit mobility with private vehicles as much as possible, and Renfe will extend the service, as if it were the Sitges carnival.

To project Vilanova, El batec del mar has been created, which aims to “recover the maritime legacy and heritage and look forward”. The aim is to highlight Espai Far, Espai Guinovart, fishing, innovation linked to the world of the sea and promote local sports. The program includes the possibility of tasting local dishes and wines; an exhibition by Barcelona Capital Nàutica in which, among other aspects, it will be shown what life is like inside a competition boat, and a castle exhibition of the Bordegassos of Vilanova, another of the Falcons of Vilanova and the festive fire bestiary of the city There will also be a giant screen stage with musical performances by local groups, team presentations and the opening and closing ceremonies with the awarding of prizes.

The beat of the sea includes interviews with people linked to the sea or an exhibition of Vilanova carnival troupes. Viu Comerç will invite you to go to the city center. The paquebot Santa Eulàlia, a century-old sailboat that is part of the Barcelona Maritime Museum’s fleet, will also be moved to Vilanova, and there will be an exhibition of Catalan skating on Saturday and Sunday with 210 boats. These single-crew light sailing monotypes will be based in Cubelles.