The UPN parliamentary group has abandoned the plenary session being held this Thursday in the Navarrese Chamber after a harsh intervention by its spokesperson, Javier Esparza, against the PSN for its support for the motion of censure presented in the Pamplona City Council that will make the mayor to the EH Bildu candidate, Joseba Asiron, in which he has come to call the members of the PSOE “scum.”

The parliamentary spokesperson of UPN has taken the floor in the Government control session to ask the president, María Chivite, about the pending transfer of powers but his speech has become a reproach for the PSN’s decision to support the motion of censorship by EH Bildu in the Pamplona City Council to remove the baton of command from Cristina Ibarrola, from UPN.

Esparza has snapped at Chivite that “it is a problem for Navarra and coexistence,” and has blamed him for being “a puppet serving the interests of Sánchez and Otegi.” “He is at the service of the PSOE and its seats, and that is why he faithfully follows all the orders given to him from Madrid,” he continued. He has also disgraced him for having “turned the Regional Regime into a bazaar and the transfer of powers into a marketing based on whether the investiture in Madrid is supported or not.” “You need to have little shame to lie and negotiate powers with the terrorists of EH Bildu,” added Esparza, for whom “the transfers don’t matter,” which has provoked the protest of the Abertzale spokesperson, Laura Aznal.

“I don’t know how he has the stomach to sell his soul and his principles, the Foral Regime and Pamplona. “I don’t know how she doesn’t vomit every night,” she has continued to snap at the president,” and she added that “they have broken coexistence in Navarra and you are the main person responsible.”

That is when Esparza commented that the members of the PSOE “have shown that they are scum”, which has earned him a reprimand from the president of Parliament, Unai Hualde, who has called him to order for breaking the limits of decorum. “It is evident that Chivite and Sánchez are harmful to Navarra,” Esparza concluded.

Immediately afterwards, the entire UPN parliamentary group left the chamber, which provoked criticism from the President of the Chamber: “The respect you have for the Parliament of Navarra is clear.”

“We have witnessed an intervention that does not respond to respect for the institutions of Navarra,” said Hualde, after which he announced the withdrawal of all the proposals of the regionalist formation from the agenda.

Chivite, despite the UPN sit-in, has responded that “Mr. Esparza does not surprise anyone” and has described his intervention as a “hyperbolic tone of stridency, tension and insults.” “There is little respect for this Chamber, neither he nor his group,” he criticized, and claimed that “this Government is committed to the deployment of its self-government, to the Lorafna and its development.”