The incorporation of Tomás Molina to the lists of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya has caused discomfort among TV3 news workers. Through a statement, the Consell Professional d’Informatius i d’Esports has regretted “the blow” that this movement represents “to the image of journalistic independence of the CCMA.”
Tomás Molina, head of TV3’s meteorological services with more than 35 years in Catalan television, announced his signing for ERC for the next European elections as number two of the Republicans on the list they share with EH Bildu and BNG, among other parties. .
In the statement, the Consell Professional d’Informatius recognizes that Molina’s decision “has generated discomfort in the editorial office.” Despite recognizing “the right of any citizen to pursue a political career,” the statement ensures that “decisions like this contribute to associating us with certain political postulates.”
The Consell Professional has regretted that Molina’s signing for ERC “overshadows the good work that news professionals try to do every day.” Furthermore, the letter adds that they hope “that the coverage of the campaign that is given to him is the same as that which would be given to any other candidate.”
Finally, the statement asks the CCMA to “clarify under what conditions professionals who have passed through the political sphere must return.”