Your fence and gate will no longer be able to keep the tax purposes away, if it stands for Unity.
Støttepartiet, as in the weekend holding the annual meeting, will with a new initiative against social dumping give tax purposes access to ‘check the construction sites on residential streets’, writes DR.
– There is a problem with some companies which do not pay the taxes they should, and which also did not have decent wages and working conditions for their employees, says the party’s rapporteur for the social dumping, Victoria Velasquez (EL) to DR.
And it is not only a problem, because it is anti-competitive, but it is also a great many tax dollars, we, as a society, miss, says.
It is, however, not all private gardens, where employees of tax purposes can just crash into according to the Device list. It should require a warrant, at the same time, you should be able to see the ‘economic activity’ from the street.
the Proposal on access to the private gardens, istanbul escort taking the Device with you to the negotiations on next year’s budget, which begins on Monday.
When finanslovsforhandlingerne will be launched in the next week, may S-the government count on the Device list as a constructive partner.
But just because Unity is the government’s contacts, it does not mean that the party says yes to anything.
It says the Unity of the political rapporteur, Pernille Skipper, on Saturday in his speech at the party’s annual meeting in Copenhagen.
– If a little shall we make the budget. And the message from the party is clear. Next year’s budget law must be felt in the welfare and measured in the environment, ” she says, and mentions, among other things, minimumsnormeringer in day-care institutions.
– We have set ourselves in order to be successful. We will reach out to the other parties of the new majority. Therefore, we have presented both the finance and the concrete bid on, how many hands must be employed in welfare must come from within, says Pernille Skipper.
She promises at the same time the index finger to the government, if the financial bill is not aroused cheers of the policy draftsman. Actually called Pernille Skipper parts of the proposal ‘unacceptable’.
– But, make no mistake. There is also a clear and unambiguous lower limit for the os in the Device list.
the Government’s other seventeen members of parliament of the Radical Left is not quite up and call of the Unity proposal.
This proposal smells of Eastern europe in the postwar period, when the authorities should be able to walk around and control the citizens. If we are to restore confidence in our authorities, we think not, it is the way to go, says skatteordfører Kathrine Olldag (RV) to DR.
Black work is increasing, according to a report from the Rockwool foundation, which shows that the shady business description corresponded to 2.2 percent of GDP in 2017.