Nokia phone manufacturer HMD Global intends to invest in the future, most of all, the average price of the phone. The company told me their intentions when speaking to the press in a new headquarters in Espoo, leppävaara. the

– the middle class will continue to be our priority, and our focus is there. Most of the income is not doubled in the past two years, said HMD Global’s Western Europe director John French. the

French refers to the fact that the flagship phone price has risen drastically over the past few years. the

the flagship device buying is fair in the previously more expensive, but people still don’t have more money at their disposal. the
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3 new phones: Such is the isoruutuista-top-Nokia Top-iphone price tag is 1679 € – ”People are willing to pay Apple-add”Test Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Is 1299 euro the phones make any sense?– The phone I bought in two major trends. The first is that the phone’s lifespan has risen from 21 to 23 months to 28 months. The second is that the phone’s average selling price has gone up, French said. the

the French use a Nokia phone to the phrase ”luxury for less” (luxury cheaper). HMD has been tried your luck top phone series Nokia 8 Siroccon, but it is not formed in the actual sale hits. This may explain the manufacturer to be able to play the role of the phone in the premier class on the outside.
Read more: we Tested the oven fresh Nokia phone: Good phone, top machine and disappointment from stress that people are more aware of such things as the Android version number. In addition, the HMD’s one of the most important marketing channels are the guys recommendations. According to the director users are on average very satisfied with their phone. the

Nokia phones, is at times criticized for the fact that their simple ”pure” Android to leave the manufacturer a little bit of separation means. HMD’s product marketing director Neil Broadley has a different opinion. the
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– Feel, no unnecessary programs, the safe, the only global european brand the phone, Zeiss optics, everyday use value, such as battery duration… Broadley lists. the

Traditionally the phone will be released before christmas and the summer, which are the major sales season. Nokia boss you insinuating to break this formula. the

– the first quarter is traditionally a quiet time for new devices to stores that. That is a great opportunity for us, Broadley said.

Go to comments also Read the News Press releases 3 new phones: Such is the isoruutuista-top-Nokia Nokias not just selling a list of the show, the manufacturer still pleased with the – what is it? ”Banana phone” Nokia 8110 4G in stores in July – what took you so long? Test Nokia 1 – this is less than 100 euros smartphones This is the of Nokia 1 – what kind of smartphone will get less than a hundred bucks? Show more Share Tweet Whatsapp Messenger LinkedIn Email Print HMD global Ltd