Xavier Trias does not need Jaume Collboni to have been in office for a hundred days – there is half a month left – to make it clear that he does not like what he is doing. In the opinion of the winner of the municipal elections, the socialist government is not making the city work – he has highlighted insecurity and dirt as problems to be solved – and the mayor seems more inclined to make an agreement with Ada Colau, with whom he has governed in the two previous mandates, that with him. For this reason, at least now, he sees himself in the opposition, although he remains open to collaborating with the PSC so that Barcelona advances.

“At the moment I see Mr. Collboni as very interested in reaching agreements with Mrs. Colau and this puts us in the opposition,” said the president of the Trias per Barcelona group, who has assured that the mayor has not addressed him to agree on anything, neither a possible governance pact or entry into the executive nor the 2024 budgets.

Anyway, Trias keeps his hand open to Colboni. “We are open to all approaches, they will find us to do good things for Barcelona.”

Regarding next year’s accounts, Trias has assured that his group is not going to prevent them from being approved. Quite the opposite. “We will play to get good budgets but first we have to see what situation we have,” he specified, and gave the example of TMB and the growth of his debt. “We have to do something, we will have to see what tariff policy there is, it does not mean that users pay more, the administration will have to put in more money.”

If Junts finally supports the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government, there would be no change of cards in the City Council, according to Trias, who has insisted that each administration must make its own decisions independently. In any case, he stressed that, in Barcelona, ??”we are not going to enter into a negotiation of chairs, it is a question of concepts.”

Trias has defended the pact he signed with ERC to access the city government. “On our part it is still valid – he said -; I call on Esquerra to collaborate from the opposition to move it forward and be able to make proposals so that the city works.” The Republican leader, Ernest Maragall, already expressed last week that this agreement is also valid for his group.