Francina Armengol Socias (Inca, 1971) has been the new president of the Congress of Deputies since Thursday. She was elected with 178 votes (absolute majority) in the first great test of strength of a legislature with an uncertain course. The former president of the Balearic government returns to the forefront of politics after the defeat of the left in the Balearic Islands, on May 28, mainly as a result of the collapse of Unides Podem in the labyrinthine lawsuit with Sumar. Formed in the autonomist school of Balearic socialism, Armengol represents the more federalist wing of the PSOE and knows Barcelona well. His profile does not displease the pro-independence parties and he knows how to read the lines in Sanskrit that Catalan politicians usually write a few times a month. The new president received La Vanguardia at the Congress headquarters on Friday.

Where is this legislature headed?

I don’t have a magic ball. I can only say that I assumed the presidency of the Congress with great emotion and enthusiasm, and with a great sense of responsibility. This can be a legislature of great progress.

It has already been received by the King and on Monday the Head of State begins the round of consultations. Will the times be fast?

After the consultations, the King will communicate his decision to me, as established by the Constitution. It is not for me to predict what the times will be, as I do not know.

Once the King’s decision on the candidate for the presidency of the Government is known, it will be up to the Bureau of Congress to set a date for the investiture debate. I insist, will the times be fast?

This decision will have to be taken by the Board, which will meet immediately afterwards. I can’t make a forecast about the calendar right now. I can only tell him that I will do everything I can to make everything go as quickly as possible.

In her first speech, after being elected, she read some verses by the poet Salvador Espriu, which were widely recited in Catalonia in the seventies. Those verses from the poetry collection La pell de brau in which Espriu asks Sepharad (Spain) to try to understand the reasons and the words of his children. Fifty years later, a part of Catalonia has stopped believing in La pell de brau. And there is a part of Spain that prefers the roughness of the Iberian sand. Is there historical time left for the reunion? Could this be the legislature of plurinational Spain?

Spain is a country of wonderful diversity, where different languages, cultures and identities coexist. This diversity should be a source of pride for everyone. This is real Spain. Therefore, I believe that the Congress of Deputies, depository chamber of national sovereignty, must be the expression of this real Spain, which is a plural and diverse Spain. This approach can contribute to bringing citizens closer to the institutions. I will work in this direction.

The philosophy is understood, but what name do we give to plural Spain? Plurinational Spain? Federal Spain?

I think names are the least important thing right now. The important thing is that this dynamic moves forward and that citizens feel represented. We need to weave, we need to build bridges.

It seems to me that he is referring to a musical thread, to the creation of an atmosphere, an atmosphere. However, there was more than just background music in his speech. He announced that in future sessions of Congress, deputies will be able to speak in Catalan, Basque and Galician. The latter was one of the points agreed by his party with Junts per Catalunya and Esquerra Republicana, with the support of Sumar. How will this agreement be implemented?

In my first speech I tried to be clear, indeed. It seems wonderful to me that the official languages ??in various territories can be seen reflected in Congress. The first thing I will do is a round with the parliamentary groups. I would like the agreement to be broad. Then we will enter into the material execution of the agreement.

Does it have legal support?

Legally, of course. The Regulations of the Congress do not prevent us from taking this initiative. The Regulations of the Congress do not establish which language must be used in the debates. I insist, my first intention is to meet with the groups in search of a broad agreement. This is now my priority goal. It is obvious that not all deputies know all the languages ??of Spain, therefore, we will have to look for technical solutions to make it possible for everyone to understand each other in the debates and also for the people who follow Parliament through the media to understand them. audiovisual communication. First, he goes around with the parties in search of a broad regulatory agreement; then the technique.

Less than twenty-four hours had passed since his first speech and lively discussions about the use of languages ??in Congress were already taking place. The new Government of the Generalitat Valenciana, now formed by the Popular Party and Vox, claims that the Valencian language is being marginalized, the name given to the Catalan language variant spoken by a large part of the inhabitants in the Valencian Community. You are Balearic. He knows the subject well. What do you think? Is the language spoken by Valencians being marginalized?

First of all, I must say that I am glad that the current Valencian Government is interested in the novelty that will mean that the Congress of Deputies becomes an expression of Spanish linguistic diversity. I think this interest is good news. I will work so that all the citizens of this country who have a co-official language in their territory can see it reflected in Congress, used by their legitimate representatives. This is important, very important. I ask for a calm reflection on this. It can have great pedagogical value for the younger generations. Regarding the discussion about linguistic variables, look, I’m a politician, not a philologist. I accept the resolutions of the Valencian Language Academy (AVL), which are very clear. [ In 2013, the AVL ruled that Valencians, Catalans, Balearics and inhabitants of other former territories of the former Crown of Aragon speak the same language. Later, in 2014, the AVL established that this common language can be called Catalan. In the Valencian Community, the name Valencian prevails and thus appears in its Statute of Autonomy.]

How can this old-rooted dispute be resolved?

I will work so that after so many years of discussions, projects and attempts, the Galicians, the Basques, the Navarrese, the Catalans, the Balearics and the Valencians can see their language reflected in Congress.

Don’t you think that a language law would be needed to develop the constitutional mandate to protect minority languages ??in Spain?

I will not express myself now on whether a language law is necessary in Spain. I will now focus on understanding that all the languages ??spoken in Spain are the heritage of the Spanish people and that it is important that they are perceived as a collective wealth, also in the Congress of Deputies. The Senate already took this step a few years ago. The Cervantes Institute works in a very important and meritorious way in this line, as it not only promotes the knowledge of the Spanish language in the world.

It could be a paradox that in a few months it will be easier to speak in Catalan in the Congress of Deputies than in some areas or public offices in the Balearic Islands and the Valencian Community, in accordance with the proposals that Vox has put forward to the Popular Party .

I hope that’s not the case. It would be very sad if we went to the Congress and the European institutions and there were restrictive policies in some bilingual communities.

Has he already been able to stir the atmosphere at the Congress Table? Will they understand each other?

We have already had a first meeting and the atmosphere has been cordial. All the machinery must be set in motion for the Congress to function. Important days are coming.

Are you the president of the Congress to help ease relations between Pedro Sánchez and Carles Puigdemont? Are you the socialist leader with better relations with the former president of the Generalitat de Catalunya?

I haven’t spoken to Mr. Puigdemont for a while. I agreed with him when he was president of the Generalitat de Catalunya and I was in charge of the government of the Balearic Islands. And we collaborated. I have always defended that neighboring communities must collaborate. And with Catalonia, the Balearics share many things: history, culture, language, economic interests… and the Mediterranean Sea.

Do you see the PSOE cohesive before this new legislature?

Yes. Totally.

Are you the last maragallista left in Spanish politics?

(Smiles) I really admired Pasqual Maragall. He was studying in Barcelona, ??when he was the mayor of the Olympic city. And then I had the honor of meeting him and talking to him. Before he got sick, he was a man with a great long-term vision and that interests me a lot.