the Public service is many things. Thus using DR gigantic resources to send realityserien ’Married at first sight’.

If you, dear reader, have not seen a title, I can reveal that the show’s title accurately reveals the concept.

the Series has managed in years, which is the DR’s job, namely, to bring the nation together. Or large parts of it.

the Game many were angry at one of the show’s participants, Anders. On social media he was called the ’asshole’, ’idiot’ and worse. One writer interpreted, quite obviously many people’s feelings, when he wrote:

‘Anders, you deserve a lammer on each arm every day for the next five weeks’.

Shitstormen was so intense it even got Ekstra Mads Kastrup to write a leader titled ’Poor Anders’.

His iniquity was to be a party in a difficult failed marriage, but here it should be said that none of the five marriages, as this year’s season of Married at first sight consisted of, has proven durable.

DR writes otherwise:

’In Married at first sight, you will be thoroughly examined by scientific experts from psychology, antropologiens and sexologiens the world and a priest.

On the basis of their serious research, the experts will then jointly try to find a kærlighedsmatch in a man who suits you.’

600 sought to participate, 10 people were selected and matched, and none of them could keep each other out in a long time.

Two cubes, or a chimpanzee with a dart board would not be able to make it inferior to the experts.

You do not understand how they referred to psychologists, sexologists, and priests at all can sell their goods, right? They have it may as spåmændene in ancient Rome, which could not meet each other on the street outside to get to laugh.

Drawing: Morten Ingemann

Well, it was a digression. Back to Anders.

The 52-year-old Anders was paired with the 51-year-old Luna, and rarely have I seen such enthusiasm as when he five minutes before the wedding for the first time saw the woman, as the experts had found for him.

After the wedding tilkastede Anders constantly smægtede glances and loving words to his bride, and since there was also the time in bryllupssengen.

Not that the DR showed footage from the event, that is.

The following few days was also and all is well, and then sent the DR the couple on honeymoon to Bordeaux in France, where the double bed the first night also was used for other than to sleep in, as I understand.

But the next morning woke Luna up to a completely new reality.

Anders announced that they still did not fit together, and Luna was, of course, turned completely out of it. She had, of course, believed in the devotion, which the man had demonstrated so convincingly until then.

And it showed the Donald that he is no gentleman. In a long chilling scene sat Luna and wept, while Anders completely unfazed by the side of the was buried in his cell phone. Not a comforting word, not an encouraging squeeze.

He said the page for B. T.:

– There’s this sequence where we sit in the couch, and she sits and sniffs. And now she has the microphone on, so it seems worse than it is.

you Can’t have a feeling that it is Anders’t have the right to assess?

As the couple was back in Denmark, the bundled Anders in the haste of his stuff to get away from Luna.

You must be a very good man, if you are not sat with a small smile on her lips, as it turned out, that he could not find his car keys and frantically spent a lot of time to mess all his pockets, boxes and bags through to find them.

The scene was also Information reviewer Lone Nikolajsen, and she wrote:

’Anders is the first dedicated linselus, which is slipped through the eye of the needle. He is taint-free cork the experiment, because he looked like and sounded like someone who was more interested in getting the followers on their social media profiles than to get a wife.’

Anders deserves a cod – but the candidate in the morning is also now awesome good.

Anders is the second commandment on, who will be announced as the Ekstra Nytårstorsk 2019. Former whole game very Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Beetle is already hauled on shore, and there are eight more to look forward to.

a ballot so you can participate in the decision of who is the biggest cod. You can also here at see all of the nominees as they are presented, and the time will also be given the opportunity to vote here.

Not only can you be pleased to have participated in the year’s most important choice. You can also win great prizes.

the Year nytårstorsk: Gummimanden


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