A good part of the most relevant political events in Spain can only be explained by paying attention to the character of its leaders, who, with their decisions, have ended up shaping the country’s destiny. Currently, in Spain there are three character traits that define the type of Spanish political leadership: men or women of action, those who constantly temporize the political game and, finally, those who assume the role of mere spectators of events that should to star Felipe González could be defined as a politician of action, Calvo-Sotelo as a skilled political timer who ran out of time to promote his reforms, and Mariano Rajoy as a mere spectator. There are three ways to act; in all of them, the way you use the time available to solve problems ends up defining the type of leadership you will be valued for.

Now that it is being decided whether it will be Alberto Núñez Feijóo or Pedro Sánchez who will get the parliamentary support to govern, the question arises as to who of the two uses the time better to do politics: if Sánchez, in an intense way, or Feijóo, in a calm way ·the. Feijóo is criticized for dilating time to avoid facing the fact that he does not have enough political support to govern. Also, although in the opposite direction, Pedro Sánchez is accused of wanting to speed up the political times to obtain the investiture at any price.

To Pedro Sánchez, now that everything indicates that he will govern again, the observation of the French philosopher Tristan Garcia could be applied: “The feeling of truly living is attributed to those who compete and survive in difficult circumstances”. While Feijóo’s calm, calm character, inclined to live without fear, allowed him to be president of the Xunta de Galicia for thirteen years, it is now not useful for him to get the support he needs to be invested.

It can be affirmed that if Feijóo succeeds in the investiture, it will be marked by a prolonged and slow use of time; while if Sánchez achieves it, time will be revealed to be intense and accelerated.