There is still one last plenary session in the Assembly of Madrid, but yesterday’s debate over the thermal social voucher for vulnerable families that several regional deputies benefit from guarantees that the electoral campaign on May 28 will begin with the engines of the both fuel at maximum revs.

The day began with the spokeswoman for Més Madrid and leader of the opposition, Mónica García, apologizing for collecting the same aid for vulnerable families for which the day before she strongly demanded the resignation of Ayuso’s number two, the regional vice president, Enrique Ossorio, who, despite declaring a net worth of around one and a half million euros, saw how in December 193 euros were paid to his current account thanks to the fact that he also benefits from the social bonus.

García took to Twitter to demand his resignation without realizing that the aforementioned aid also applies to large families, as is his case. And after acknowledging the mistake, he barely managed to weave a speech in which he assured that he was “studying how to return aid that should not reach those who do not need it” to quickly try to redirect the controversy: ” Between Ossorio and I there is a big difference, and it is moral, because Ayuso’s number two has not only not apologized, but has insisted that he will ask for all the help he can”.

García’s attempts were in vain, since the fuse had already been lit and, moreover, he served a golden opportunity to Juan Lobato to try to recover the political initiative on the left.

The spokesperson of the PSOE-M, a father of three children, displayed his electricity bill from his seat to demonstrate that the collection of the thermal voucher is not a benefit that is processed “automatically” for large families, but that you need to ask for it. But after the friendly fire that had just hit the Mes Madrid floating zone, he also sent a warning to right-wing groups to devote themselves, during the day, to “criticizing the aid” of the central government and, ” at night, ask them all like vampires”.

Contrary to what might be expected, Vox remained silent trying to tiptoe through the fray. But questions from the press forced its spokeswoman, Rocío Monasterio, to admit that she is also a recipient of the electricity voucher. “Not the thermal”, he added, despite the fact that the latter is granted to the beneficiaries of the former.

But there was even more, since the general secretary of the Madrid PP, Alfonso Serrano, also admitted that he benefited from these grants. And more cases are not ruled out in a regional chamber where large families are abundant in almost all parliamentary groups.

Aware that the controversy will punish her rivals more than herself, Ayuso smiled from her seat as she watched a show that put the finishing touches to an almost perfect week.

Four days in which he has seen the European Prosecutor file the Mascaretes case that splashed his brother, his Minister of Health put an end to the doctors’ strike, the Provincial Court prosecute the mayoress of Móstoles (PSOE) for prevarication and the leader of the opposition tie a noose around their neck to rush to social networks. That is why he sent a message to his disciples just yesterday in which, as revealed by El País, he pointed out: “Today the left is finished (…). Kill them.”