At the top of the world there is only room for one. The United States has occupied it since World War II. But for some years its military, economic and political hegemony has been threatened by China. Although it is rancid by the recent financial cycles, the Chinese regime has decided to go to the final bet. For this reason, the two giants rush to build alliances with pawns to support their leadership.

The old Western bloc – Germany, Canada, the United States, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom – is showing signs of exhaustion after so many years at the head of a planet that is moving at digital speed towards the East. For this reason, it is looking for new sap in Australia, South Korea, New Zealand or Japan, countries threatened by Chinese expansionism.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the quadrilateral, the developing aspirants warm up. China, India, Russia, Brazil and South Africa, the original Brics, have also been strengthened with Saudi Arabia, Argentina, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia. The result is a team that accounts for 46 percent of the world’s population, 37 percent of global GDP and controls most of the world’s oil tap. With the credentials of the founding Brics, it was also not foreseeable that they would ask for criminal records from new signings.

Where criminal dictatorships like Russia coexist with autocracies like China and corrupt democracies like those of South Africa, India and, to a lesser extent, Brazil, the leg-breakers become artists. Hatchets like Saudi Arabia and Egypt combine with theocracies like Iran, absolute monarchies like that of the Emirates and the social bomb about to explode in Argentina. The best of each house and with canine obedience to the great helmsman.

Because that’s what it’s all about, buying wills to facilitate the climb that places the eastern giant at the top in exchange for whitewashing carnage and corruption of all kinds. The expansion of the BRICS is not just a trade agreement, it is a geostrategic challenge where it is at stake who will take the helm of the planet.