The PSC shows its concern about the increase in crime in Badalona

The president of the municipal group of the PSC, Fernando Carrera, has been very concerned about the latest crime data, presented by the Ministry of the Interior. According to these official data, they are not good for Badalona. Crime has risen above 15% in the first quarter of 2024, 10 points more than the Catalan average. The municipal government remembers, however, that the last quarter of 2023 showed positive crime data.

Cybercrimes and sexual assaults with penetration are the crimes that increase the most compared to the same period in 2023. In addition, the increase in robberies with force in homes and establishments stands out, and drug trafficking are other points where crime increases in Badalona, ??with 11.2% and 20% respectively.

“We are faced with data that shows that the recipe promised by the PP does not work,” he summarizes. The socialist leader is very concerned about the data related to drug crimes, because this results in the increase in other criminal data.

“The government can dress it up however it wants, it will surely do this, but we are facing the failure of the security policies of the Albiol government,” Carrera considers. The PSC will ask the government to convene the security council so that the mayor can give explanations, with the participation of municipal groups, to analyze this data.

Sources from the municipal government have recalled that in the last quarter of 2023, Badalona had the best evolution in the fight against crime among the large cities of Catalonia. If this last quarter has not been good, what must be done is support the Guardia Urbana and Mossos to recover the positive evolution. They have also recalled that new police vehicles have been added in several days, 17 motorcycles will also be added and there will be more police on the street. Next September there will be 46 new agents who will join.

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