The socialist Rubén Viñuales will be the new mayor of Tarragona after clearly winning the elections ahead of Pau Ricomà (ERC), who has not managed to capitalize on his first four years at the helm of local government, has regressed and has partly suffered from the disenchantment of the independence. The PSC will have to find allies to govern in a City Council that is more fragmented than ever, marked by the brilliant irruption of Vox and PP. “We have recovered the mayor’s office of Tarragona, today (yesterday) we can celebrate it,” Viñuales said, with a more prudent than euphoric tone before militants and elected officials at the PSC headquarters. The future mayor ruled out any alliance with the extreme right last night. Vox has taken advantage, without making noise and with a campaign focused on the neighborhoods, the disappearance of Ciudadanos.

“I congratulate Rubén Viñuales, who has clearly won, he will be the new mayor. The results are not good, but we are happy with the work done in four years. We will not vote for the investiture of Viñuales, we will lead the opposition,” Ricomà said in a Republican headquarters with very long faces and much disappointment. Among the parties that do come out reinforced, pushed by the disaster of the orange party, the PP of Maria Mercè Martorell, recaptured by the popular after 15 years away from politics.

Junts, with its new leader, the incombustible Jordi Sendra, has managed to save the furniture and with its three councilors could have one of the keys to governance. The possible socio-vergent pact, precooked during the campaign, remains two councilors from the absolute majority, which in Tarragona is at 14 councillors. In Comú Podem, with the debut of Jordi Collado, he has kept his two councilors but it is also insufficient to give the longed-for majority to the PSC. The CUP has lost its two councilors. A very complex scenario opens in Tarragona where it is quite probable that Rubén Viñuales will be forced to govern from the outset in a minority seeking specific support on major issues.

The PSC also recovers Reus and Sandra Guaita, who was making her debut, will in all probability be the mayoress. Junts and ERC, in government until now, have been left with five councilors each. Vox also breaks into the capital of Baix Camp with three councilors