The PP candidate for the Valencia City Council, María José Catalá, will be the next mayoress of the city by winning the elections by a tight margin. With 80% of the votes counted, the PP would be the most voted force with 13 councilors (five more than the 8 it currently has). Vox would also go up and would be left with 5 councilors. Citizens disappear.

On the other side of the ideological spectrum, the left would remain one councilor from the absolute majority since the sum of Compromís (9) and the PSPV (7) would not be enough. For its part, United Podem remains at 2.3% and will not have any representation. Joan Ribó loses the command staff to which he agreed in 2015 and the PP recovers the consistory that governed from 1991 to 2015.

The right-wing block has managed not only to absorb the vote of Ciudadanos but has managed to add the necessary councilor to tip the balance.

Despite the advance of the PP and Vox, in the red belt the left has managed to maintain important places such as Mislata, Burjassot and Paterna that will be able to govern with an absolute majority. The Socialists will also keep Quart de Poblet with the help of Compromís. Of course, the PP will be able to govern Torrent with a pact with Vox (9 4) that exceeds the sum of PSPV and Compromís (10 2).

A sum that will be different in Gandía where the left will be able to add to maintain the local Executive. Also in Sagunto, the sums of the left will be able to make Darío Moreno continue as mayor.