The Valencian Minister of Education, José Antonio Rovira, assessed yesterday that the Valencian Language Academy (AVL), the regulatory body for the Valencian language, “does not have the absolute truth about the language, as no one else does”, and to defend that “everyone uses the Valencian they see fit”. He said this when asked about former president Eduardo Zaplana’s statements in this newspaper, in which he defended the validity of the entity he created in 1998 and which defends the unity of Valencian and Catalan. On the subject, the councilor added that he does not see the possibility of using “other regulations” apart from the statutory entity.

“Why can’t other Valencian regulations be used?” he wondered when he was asked for his opinion on the Valencian used by the Ministry of Agriculture, in the hands of Vox, in official messages on social networks; messages full of spelling mistakes. When they asked him if he would be willing to give an indication to the other ministries so that they comply with the rules of the AVL, he indicated that the academy does not depend on his department, but that what depends on it is the training of the Valencian, and that it is not their competence to enter into this matter.

After these statements, the PSPV-PSOE issued a statement in which it denounced “the unprecedented attack on Valencian and the legal insubordination in linguistic matters in which the Council of the PP and Vox has installed itself”.

He also criticized that the PP “has bought Vox’s anti-Valencian agenda” and that it “despise the identities of Valencians”. “The first thing to do is comply with the Statute of Autonomy and the institutions that emanate from it, such as the AVL”, he added.