This Wednesday, the PP rejected the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) of the Let’s Talk Spanish association on the freedom of choice of language, to the anger of its promoters. In a tense debate – the opposition has come to describe the proposal as a bomb against the Valencian, the Estatut and the Llei d’Ús and the president has had to ask the public to refrain from applause -, the popular deputy Eduardo Dolón has given the finishing touch on the possibility of processing the proposed text as a law by understanding that, in its articles, there are up to 8 articles that contradict the Statute of autonomy of the Valencian Community.

In this way, the ILP – which had 40,000 signatures and which established that parents “have the right to choose the official language in which their children receive education” and that “it is not necessary for all public employees to know Valencian” – It fails by relying only on the support of Vox. The ultra formation has defended that the philosophy of the text matches the founding statutes of its party to “defend the equality of all Spaniards.”

In a very elegant way, the popular Eduardo Dolón has indicated that his group “cannot give its support” to the ILP due to a series of legislative nuances, although he has promised its promoters that many of the issues included in the law will be will materialize in the bill that will soon be presented to change the current system of multilingualism in Valencian classrooms.

An offer that has not convinced the spokesperson for Hablamos Español, Gloria Lago, who has pointed out that what they are preparing “is not what they promised during the campaign” and “has nothing to do” with their proposal. Lago has spoken of “a partial imposition” of the Valencian and has advanced that the PP is a “semi-botched.” “They have been in charge of Education for months and they have not even achieved free choice for exams,” lamented the ILP defender who concluded: “What a scam for voters.” Dolón’s requests for time to check the PP’s future proposal in favor of educational freedom have not convinced him.

Before, Lago has faced opposition who argued that knowing more than one language does not help you know a third. He has also stated: “Having more than one language does not mean having more wealth.”

The PSPV deputy José Chulvi has warned him that his group will not support any initiative that promotes hatred, confrontation and the drowning of Valencians and has indicated that the PSPV will not stop defending Valencians from attacks like today’s.

In a more belligerent tone, Compromís deputy Nathalie Torres has accused the promoters of wanting to go back 50 years and trying to destroy the official status of the Valencian and remove him from teaching. Torres, who was not very clear about the PP’s position before Dolón’s presentation, has warned the popular supporters that if they process the initiative they would be “responsible for the official death of the Valencian.”