Sunday 24 September in Madrid, two days before the investiture. This is the date for a great “open event” called by the PP, announced by its general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, only 24 hours after the call made by the former president of the government José María Aznar, for a civic mobilization and institutional against Pedro Sánchez’s attempt to “destroy the Constitution” with the possible approval of an amnesty and to recognize the right of self-determination.

An event that will have a previous one, the one the PP of Galicia has called, with the presence of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on Sunday in Santiago de Compostela. The president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, will also be present, and around a thousand people are expected to attend.

In both events, Feijóo, according to La Vanguardia sources from the leadership of the PP, will make public the main points of his investiture speech, which is why Sunday’s in Galicia will have as its motto “For the equality of Spaniards” , since equality will be the focus of his intervention in Congress and of his hypothetical government, should he become president.

The difference between these two events will be the open character of the one in Madrid, on the 24th. Not only because the PP wants to hold it outdoors, but because while the one in Santiago de Compostela will be a typical rally, the one in the Spanish capital is expected to be attended by all those who do not think like the PP, or are not supporters, but who are interested in hearing what “the candidate for the presidency of the Government of Spain” has to offer. However, the same sources emphasize that it is an event organized by the PP, and it is not open for other parties to join the call. Feijóo will take center stage, without any other political leader from any other background.

There will be no other photo of Colón, but that of the president of the PP and candidate for the presidency of the Spanish Government speaking to whoever wants to listen.

According to party sources, the focus of the Madrid rally will be “the equality of the Spanish”, although they acknowledge that, given the social debate that is taking place in relation to Pedro Sánchez’s intentions to comply with the demands of the pro-independence and approve an amnesty law and the right to self-determination, references are assured. “But if the amnesty debate wasn’t there, the event would still be celebrated”, they point out.

With this, the PP tries to demonstrate that the decision to hold these meetings does not respond to José María Aznar’s proposal to mobilize civil society. The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, when announcing the event in Madrid, on Antena 3, stressed that it was about “society being able to participate in the rejection of any instrument that, outside the law, Sánchez promotes to get votes in exchange for power”. Number two of the PP considered it “necessary” that “those of us who do not agree with the amnesty, the self-determination referendum and the breakdown of equality between Spaniards, mobilize and demonstrate”.

In fact, from the direction of the PP it is assured that already on Monday, at the lunch after the board of directors that Feijóo held with the barons, there was already talk of doing this type of event, before Aznar proposed it. However, several barons of the PP were consulted on this issue, and they maintain contradictory versions. While some maintain that there was talk of a political act, never of a demonstration, others say that it was not put on the table, and that there was only talk of speeding up the motions in regional parliaments and town halls in in favor of equality and against amnesty.