When a man from Eslöv in Sweden on Monday evening was out to walk his dog, he was greeted by a horrifying sight. He got namely, an eye on a group of teenage boys, who attacked several live ducks with the spark. The man has to the police explained that it looked as if the boys played football with the defenseless ducks.

It writes several Swedish media, including Expressen, Aftonbladet, Lokaltidningen and Skånska Dagbladet

The local police officer Mats G. Odestål have explained the following to the lokalbladet Lokaltidningen:

He observed three persons, two of them were most active. The kicking in more ducks. Some of the ducks was hit by sparkene, while others avoided them, explains Mats G. Odestål and adds to the hundelufteren then go towards the teenage boys to confront them.

– at Least two of the boys went up to the man and said to him, that they would kick his dog to death, if he went to the police or not disappeared from the area, explains Mats G. Odestål.

Hundelufteren decided to withdraw from the confrontation. But before he disappeared from the area, it succeeded to him to film the suspects dyrplagere.

He realized that it could not pay to stand and argue with the boys. And he had had some pictures taken of the perpetrators. It was well done, says Mats G. Odestål on dyrplageriet and threats, which now have been reported to the police.

(the article continues under the picture)

Police now hope that you can find dyrplagerne by means of the images, which hundelufteren took of them. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Lokalbetjenten Mats G. Odestål understand that the episode has gotten so much media attention in Sweden.

– It is indeed a crime, one becomes very concerned. There are almost no words for it. One kicks not on animals, says Mats G. Odestål, who have high hopes of finding the perpetrators:

– I hope the pictures are good, so we can identify the characters. And then we get the rest out and look for these boys, says Mats G. Odestål.