The number one point of the agreement between Vox and the PP, which will guarantee the investiture of Fernando López Miras as president of Murcia tomorrow, calls for a new National Hydrological Plan and the supply of water “for everyone at a harmonized price and without discriminating against any territory”.

The document points out the importance of the agricultural sector and defends the predominant intensive production model in the community which undertakes to defend “external regulatory developments that harm them and hinder their viability”.

The pact was signed yesterday morning at the headquarters of the Cartagena Assembly by the spokesman of the PP, Joaquín Segado, and the spokesman of Vox, Rubén Martínez Alpañez.

Thus the PP closes the constitution of the last Government that was pending after the autonomous elections of May 28. López Miras will be elected in stoppage time. The deadline for an automatic repeat of the elections in Murcia expired on the 7th, something that neither the PP nor Vox wanted.

This pact closed, with the approval of the leadership of the PP – it is no coincidence that at the same time yesterday Núñez Feijóo and Santiago Abascal were meeting in Madrid to coordinate the support of the ultranationalists for the conservative candidate in the investiture session on the 26th – , the Murcia agreement completes the list of autonomous governments in which the PP governs in coalition with the ultranationalist party: Valencia, Extremadura, Aragon and Castile and Leon, to which must be added the Balearic Islands and Cantabria, where the government dels populares has the external support of Vox.

The agreement, made up of around thirty points, does not differ much from those that have been signed to reach the previous governments already mentioned. Vague references to gender violence – which this August alone has claimed the lives of eight women – and repeated references to security problems and employment and illegal immigration.

Precisely the pact signed guarantees for the ultra-nationalist formation the appointment of the head of the Security area and also the Development area. In addition – and this was a novelty incorporated in the document signed yesterday – Vox will appoint the new Ombudsman for the region.