Mary Cain was a hope – and talented runner as she, as a 16-year-old was included in Nike’s Oregon Project with stjernetræneren Alberto Salazar in the head.

She was regarded as one of his generation’s most talented female mellemdistanceløber and qualified, among others, for the WORLD cup the year after. Just 17 years old.

In the course of the next year, the now fired, karantæneramte and controversial Salazar, however, break her to such an extent that the girl from New York city first started to cut themselves, since the developed suicidal thoughts and eventually fled.

she says in the New York Times a few months after Salazar of antidopingagenturet USADA was sentenced to four years in quarantine for its methods and doping-related offences.

– I was afraid. And alone. I felt myself caught up and developed suicidal thoughts. I began to cut myself. Some people saw it but no one did anything, she says.

Salazar rejects parts of her allegations, while the Nike refuses to comment on the story at all.

It was a dream to train under Salazar. To begin with. The dream evolved quickly over into an outright nightmare. For Mary was too thick. She had a maximum weigh 52 kg.

– So, I was thinner, thinner and thinner, she says.

Salazar took advantage, among others, by the same methods, as previously landstrænere in Dansk Svømmeunion has been accused of making use of. Mary Cain was weighed in front of other athletes. And when she’s not lived up to the requirements, Salazar asked, she was reviled and insulted – in front of all the others.

Mary Cain was påduttet oral contraceptives and diuretic medications in order to lose weight, and she developed RED-S-syndrome, where eating disorder and osteoporosis may occur.

Suddenly it dawns on you that you have missed your period in a few months. It will be for a few years. In my case three, she says.

Extremely low weight in women can cause the body to stop producing the hormone estrogen. It can lead to amenorrhea – dramatically irregular menstruation – or completely stop the same. At the same time, a marked lack of estrogen in the body, that bone strength is reduced, so developing osteoporosis or osteoporosis, as it is called.

It was Mary Cain, who along the way broke five different bones.

It was in the period of time, she really developed psychological problems and began to cut himself.

It had the natural consequence, that her times on the track was worse.

– I tried to no longer qualify (for the OLYMPICS, ed.). I just wanted to survive.

In 2015, she had no to impress participated in a race, but because of a heavy rain were all participating, coaches, relatives and other spectators gathered in a large tent. When saw Mary Cain a new low in his life:

– Alberto began to shout at me in the tent, where we waited, in front of all the others. He said that I clearly had taken five pounds (well 2.2 kg) within the course. It was also the night I told Alberto and our sportspsykolog, that I had begun to cut myself. Their answer was that they most of all any would just to bed.

– When it dawned on me how sick the system was, she says.

Subsequently, she told her parents about it – and about how bad she had it, which immediately got the parents to fetch her home.

the OLYMPICS-the dream was shelved. Now it was about to get away and get better.

From his generation maybe one of the best runs in the UNITED states went Mary Cain to focus on to survive.

Salazar has been submitted to Mary Cain’s charges, but he denies and says that he constantly took into account her health and well-being.

There seems to be something to it. For other persons associated with the training confirms Mary Cain’s interpretation. Including Steve Magness, who worked as an assistant coach under Salazar.

– At one point I was told that I had to get a female practitioner down in weight. When I knew them information about her body fat, said the following: ’I don’t care about what science says, I just know what I see with my own eyes – her ass is too big’, says Magness in a string of attention-grabbing tweets, as you can see below.

After the Salazars exclusion has Nike decided to resign from the Nike Oregon Project.

After Mary Cain has published its history, it has fallen into with sympatierklæringer from the big and small in and around the top of the american athletics.

Among other things, from the former olympian Shalane Flanagan, who writes the following on Twitter:

– I had no idea that it was so serious. I am sorry that I never took contact to you, when you had it so hard, Mary. I designed my own excuses in order to like myself. We betrayed you. I will never sneak away again, she writes.

– What happened with Mary Cain was worse than I feared. Her story is similar to stories from thousands of girls and young women in sport. It has to stop. Thank you for being so brave, Mary, writes Lauren Fleshman.

you Have suicide thoughts

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the volunteer counselors answer every year more than 16,000 inquiries from persons with suicidal thoughts or other serious life crises.

suicidal ideation, you must contact the Livslinien, your regional psychiatric emergency room, private doctor, lægevagten (in the Capital Region 1813) or 112.

See also: Nike resigns løbeprojekt after the doping incident

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