I might as well say it as it is: It is the main tv I’ve ever made.

so says the popular tv doctor Charlotte Bøving on the latest product suite, which she has just embarked on in collaboration with DR.

the Theme is genetics, and Charlotte Bøvings task is to give the participants the serious message about their biological heritage. The answer will be either delivered with the sigh of relief or with very serious my, tells Charlotte Bøving.

See also: After TV2-programme: – It is daft

– I have had to use my best psychological tools in the meeting with the people here. I have even pinched tears along the way, because I know how hard it is to have a disease. To be allowed to do this product suite has been a tremendous eye-opener for me, she says.

the program Itself is going to have a number of regular people as the focal point. Here Charlotte Bøving make sure that the participants will receive a lifestyle change, depending on the disease in their genes are the mainstay of. And even though she can’t change the outcome, she throws herself headfirst in to help the participants to take life more seriously.

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TV recordings for the new DR product suite – “Sick with worry”… Here, flanked by the lovely Jacob and Mathias… IMPORTANT tv, where we take a look participants in the genetics and in their lifestyle… #sygafbekymring #health #lifestyle #genetics #arveligesygdomme #dr #modern art #charlottebøving @doktorvarde #vigtigtbudskab # #thecompound

A spread shared by Charlotte Bøving (@doktorvarde) the

– I’m not a superwoman. But there, where I can help the participants, after all, is to get their health back on an even keel. It triggers me really, because many of them, indeed, almost in a panic over the message. And I was even in the context of my own illness. I thought: ‘Imagine if I died tomorrow’, she says, and explains that the man with such thoughts become more and more grateful life.

Charlotte Bøving has just proposed to his girlfriend Christina Jørgensen, and the couple expect to be married sometime this June. But it does not mean that the rings are first put on, when they finally say yes to each other.

– I take nothing for granted. It is also something I have learned from doing the series. So why expose my love for another human being?

Charlotte Bøving and Chrsitina Jorgensen became engaged on new year’s eve. Photo: Anthon Unger.

– I reserve me the right to live every day fully. Therefore, we are already in full time to pick out wedding rings.

– Them we might as well use as engagement rings until then. It is indeed huge, that I must be together with this man the rest of his life, says Charlotte Bøving.

The programserien, which have not yet been determined its date, will contain six titles in a duration of 45 minutes.